One challenge is that in order for the miners must fit through a rescue hole they must be no more than 45 inches around the waist. Exercise programs are in place for this. Also, NASA astronaut Jose Hernandez said that the space agency, with its long research on aiding astronauts isolated in space, could help the Chileans understand how to provide "psychological support for those trapped . . June
: "COPIAPO, Chile -- In less than a week the 33 miners trapped under Chile's Atacama Desert will have been stuck underground longer than any others in memory - taxing authorities Thursday with unique challenges on coaxing them and their families through the ordeal.
A team of submarine commanders was called in for advice on close-quarters living. NASA is advising on 'life sciences' and giving the men a sense they control their own destinies. Exercise programs are in place so the miners are skinny enough to fit through a rescue hole.
Even a masseuse roams a makeshift camp for the miners' families, relieving tensions with a touch.
All in an effort to confront the unique challenges being faced by all involved to bring the miners out alive.
Extreme patience is seen with each new day that breaks over Camp Hope - where the families of the miners have erected tents, awaiting their loved ones - but there are high expectations for results.